Generally, your period arriving is a pretty solid indication you aren’t pregnant, but generally is not always.
Can you get your period while you’re pregnant? No, you can’t have your menstrual period while you’re pregnant. Some women report intermittent bleeding that seems like a regular period to them. But vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not the same thing as menstruation.
Pregnant women can have some light irregular bleeding during pregnancy, but it should not be like a “normal” period.
Bleeding occurs during pregnancy for various reasons:
1 – Implantation bleeding or spotting:
Happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. As the egg burrows into the lining, it sometimes causes some of the lining to shed.
Implantation bleeding is usually light brown, pink, or red spotting but can be as heavy as a light period.
2 – Bleeding after birth control:
Some birth control methods help deal with irregular periods, making cycles more regular or making periods lighter or non-existent. But some birth control can cause unpredictable spotting or bleeding.
If you have recently stopped taking the pill and are pregnant, you may have some spotting off and on due to hormonal changes. You may be unclear when your last period was or you could be pregnant and continue to have some irregular bleeding.
3 – Ectopic pregnancy:
Ectopic pregnancy happens within the first few weeks of pregnancy. You might not even know you’re pregnant yet, so it can be a big shock. The baby probably can’t survive. So it’s a loss that may take some time to get over.
An ectopic pregnancy may cause vaginal bleeding that is similar to a period.
4 – Miscarriage:
Is a term used for a pregnancy that ends on its own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. The reason for miscarriage is varied, and most often the cause cannot be identified. During the first trimester, the most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality.
Bleeding or spotting can be an early sign of miscarriage. Bleeding or spotting during pregnancy does not always mean that the woman will not go on to have a healthy pregnancy but it is reason for concern.
Finally, numerous other causes can result in bleeding during pregnancy.
It’s important to understand that bleeding doesn’t guarantee that you aren’t pregnant, but then it’s usually a pretty good indication that you aren’t. Pay attention to your body, trust your instinct, and when in doubt, act pregnant until you’re sure you aren’t.
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