How does rheumatoid arthritis affect pregnancy? Having arthritis and being pregnant is of course a huge weight problem on your joints. To make things worse all of this is pain related. Numerous amounts of prescription medication is available as treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It is advisable to select with caution, many of these medications come with unacceptable risks of side effects and serious infections.
Pregnancy can bring on all kinds of surprises. Having arthritis pain on top of everything else that just puts on more stress. It’s not all bad though, most women with RA can still have a safe and healthy pregnancy. According to research, in many cases it shows that as many as 70 to 80 percent will actually experience less arthritis pain during pregnancy. One of the reasons for having often less pain during pregnancy is because proteins exchange between the mother and the unborn child.
Being aware of things
Wearing the right footwear can also have great benefits and relieves pressure on certain parts of the body and helps to keep alignment of the feet and knees to lessen pain and discomfort. Gentle exercise and physical activity while pregnant helps strengthen your muscles and joints and can help to prevent extra weight gain; any added weight while pregnant can increase pain and discomfort.
While pregnant, or at any time for that matter, avoid artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. This does not only increase the risk of obesity for the mother but also increases the child’s risk of obesity later in life. This is especially true for expecting mothers who normally go quiet about it thinking that it is a normal occurrence when a woman is heavy. There is no need of suffering as a result of this because you can try out some natural and alternative remedies for reducing joint pain during pregnancy or any other time such as.
Make some lifestyle changes
Some lifestyle changes will be necessary to overcome this issue of joint pain and carrying that extra weight during pregnancy. Which means, changing some of the bad foods in your diet for better ones and keep it as simple as possible! There is no need to go on any starvation diet; it is only a matter of choosing healthier food. Losing weight is as simple as just cutting out some of the processed foods and as many as possible of sugary foods. “Sugar is the problem”. To make the diet more effective it is important to include some light, safe exercise. Your doctor or any expert will agree to stay active while pregnant. This will be of benefit to you and your baby. Water is part of your diet but it should never be taken while having a hot meal. Flushing out harmful toxins from your body is a good thing, therefore water is better consumed between meals but not to the excess of forcing down one or two litres of water every day.
Remedies reducing pain
There are many who suffer from joint pain, arthritis and/or other inflammation without them knowing about effective remedies. It depends on where you are and what season it is. It is known that cold and damp weather has an aggravating effect on inflammation and joint pain. Keep the affected area well covered and as warm as possible; infrared light will help. There are creams available to rub into the joints where the pain is coming from. This might give some relieve. It is more effective by rubbing in liquid or spray on type magnesium.
Turmeric is one of the oldest spices. It reduces inflammation quickly and is known as the best cure for joint pain and arthritis. Turmeric has a long history of medical uses and many healing powers. Curcumin is a bioactive ingredient in turmeric and has been found to have many health benefits. This yellow turmeric powder is really one to use plenty of and by far better than any leading prescription drug with all their side effects.
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals
As you make changes to your diet during pregnancy it is important to choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. These are found in grains, dairy products, meat, eggs, butter, nuts, and many more. Also make sure to include foods that contain zinc, plum juice and Bing cherries when in season. They all contain strong anti inflammatory properties. There are many types of fish like tuna, salmon, sardines, herrings and many others that have anti inflammatory and antioxidant agents because of their omega 3 content, what also will help to minimise free radical damage.
Avoiding calcium rich foods
To reduce joint pain during pregnancy there are certain foods that contain higher amounts of calcium which is no benefit. This point is often not acknowledged or even not known about that magnesium is the most important mineral in our diet. Most people are of short supply in their body which creates many other health issues. Our body needs magnesium every day. Magnesium (MG) is a mineral that has several hundred different functions in the body. As inflammation and joint pain is the cause of shortfalls in minerals it is also important that a correct ratio between calcium and magnesium is maintained. To overcome any imbalance make sure the intake of magnesium is higher than calcium. Try to keep calcium to a minimum.
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